Kamis, 23 Januari 2014


Seminggu terakhir ini kita disuguhi berita tentang Banjir yang melanda hampir di setiap daerah....
Kami bersyukur bahwa lokasi Office dan Workshop kami terhindar akan musibah banjir,,
Dampak sangat terasa,terutama adalah mundurnya jadwal janji pertemuan bisnis, baik konsumen maupun supplier..
Menyikapi hal ini kami lakukan kegiatan internal yang produktif sebagaimana terlihat pada postingan sebagai berikut :

 Semua ORDER sudah selesai tahap pre Production, setahap lg Final Installation On site...
Worker punya lebih waktu kerja,di maximal kan dengan menambah Ruang Gudang Bersih sisi belakang dan BORDER Construction Extended WORKSHOP di sisi DEPAN.... banjir tetap SEMANGATTTTTTTs..

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

OPEN HOUSE ON RAINY DAY..................

Yupp,today we mata air group was support programme " OPEN HOUSE " which create by PT.Anugrah Duta Mandiri as operator for KEMANG VIEW APARTMENT project in PEKAYON, WEST BEKASI..
they gave us space to display our product of furniture and interior sample material....

One thing we can learn from their Marketing Team,the show still go on even the RAIN is falling................TOP deh untuk mereka...

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014


When we talked about " GIMMICK " what would you think of? Some kind of business use  "GIMMICK " as a promotion tools to increase their sales... .. look at the pictures bellows :

They put big spanduk at their building with and the headeline is ' FREE KITCHEN SET '............................................

Ready to production in our workshop, anticipated the feedback from 'GIMMICK' programme......

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014


Yupp....no compromised in failed when we are doing BUSINESS...
it's not about You are a nice person or good in comunity but It's all about YOUR MORAL OBLIGATION in responsible your team and human resources living...
Get Up, Reposition ,Strict to your CORE and FOCUSEd on IT....The FUTURE willbe yours..

We posting the picture of NEW BUILDING,OWNING by our Valuable Customer who ever past the situation of subject above....

Nice building 3 Floors,at best location in east Jakarta.......We happy for them.
And we are great to involve on their Interior and Furniture supplied..qiqiqiqiqiqi....couse BUSINESS is BUSINESS..........

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

LET IT BE.............

Pictures means so millions.......................We OUR Us.......

Workshop : 021 . 2906 8195
mobile     : 0812 9008 9119
                 08788 5979 790
                 0813 5581 9070

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014


Beberapa hari ini lokasi Workshop kami selalu di guyur hujan....
Ada beberapa ruas jalan yang tergenangkan air...hari inipun yang seharusnya kami melakukan pengiriman dan pemasangan FURNITURE di kediaman klien menjadi sedikit terhambat...

IT'S RAINY SUNDAY.........and the traffic is TOO CROWD TO PLAY..... 

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

STAY STRONG...........FOCUSED.............NO ONE CAN'T STOP US....................

Dalam dunia usaha,pasti ada persaingan...begitupun dengan MATA AIR GROUP
banyak sekali perusahaan lain yang ingin mengambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan hahahahahaha ( istilah saja ya..)

Belum lama terjadi saat kami ajukan disain dalam tender Booth and Furniture pada salah satu proyek di jakarta,ternyata disain kami di klaim oleh sesama peserta.

Injury TIME kami  ajukan disain alternative yang sebelumnya tidak kami jagokan karena agak berbeda dari konsep pemberi TUGAS,ternyata di luar dugaan justru menurut Share Holder mereka disain tersebutlah yang sangat mewakili CORPORATE Value dan Philosophy dasar.

Well... akhirnya disain alternative dari kami yang mereka pilih dan tentukan untuk segera di produksi MEANS we are the winner...

Ada pelajaran menarik dari kejadian tersebut bahwa IF we are STAY STRONG and FOCUSED indeed,NO ONE CAN'T STOP US...

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

TRUST and WISE ...............

Trust is one of THE VALUE slogan we do in MATA AIR  GROUP,that's why we allowed the promo item one of Developer who put our several design of KITCHEN SET to publication as Follows :

Wise in business means we accept other people's oppinion to increase our value..so TRUST and WISE were both important...

Have a nice weekend and see u on Monday...